Friday, 1 November 2013

Kingston Babywearing Project -- Kimberly & Ben

Recently I got together with this mama for another Kingston Babywearing Project shoot. Kimberly is a beautiful, hilarious and awesome lady who has four kiddos; ages 5 months, 4 years, 7 years and 14 years! It amazes me how put together and sane she is -- to say she is an absolute inspiration would probably be the understatement of the year. 

We decided to visit the Memorial Arch at the Royal Military College of Canada for photos. We discovered a beautiful path lined with trees turning beautiful fall colours, and not to mention an amazing sunset that made me fall in love with our city all over again. 

This monument, built in 1923, honours the memory of ex-cadets who have passed away in combat or while attending the College. I have to admit, I've lived in Kingston for almost six years and have never seen the monument or the College up close!

 The Monument was beautiful and covered in text. At almost 100 years old and made mostly of limestone, the Memorial commemorates Canadian soldiers in wars from as early as 1887! One of my favourite things I found on the Memorial were lines from poet Rupert Brooke: Blow out your bugles over the rich dead. There's none of these so lonely and poor of old but dying has made us rarer gifts than gold. 

Perfect fall weather. Kimberly is wearing a JumpSacBaby Pandora woven wrap in November rainbow.

While doing some research into the Memorial Arch for this post, I found out the beautiful road we found is actually called Valour Drive. This road runs right along Kingston's beautiful shoreline and ends up right in the middle of the Royal Military College at their parade square. 

Gorgeous mama, adorable squish and lovely sunset. 

And like last time, in an effort to get to know the Kingston babywearing community a bit better, I asked Kimberly some questions about babywearing. 

Who introduced you to babywearing? 
I wouldn't say I was formally introduced to wrapping by any one person. I had seen wraps being used by many friends in various mom's groups online and in person and wanted to try using one because they seemed to be versatile in carry options and there is a much larger variety patterns and colours. I guess that reason was a vain one, but I wanted in on the pretty wraps and carries!

Did you find the thought of wrapping initially intimidating? 
Wrapping initially was overwhelming and intimidating ( and still is!) Because I find there is more room for error and thus more skill is involved. Add that to the seemingly unlimited number of ways to wrap your baby and trying to find something you love that you can also do well and it seems daunting, but it really isn't bad once you get into a groove and find your comfort zone. I have just a few front and back carriers that I feel comfortable doing, but I am going to try more as he gets bigger and more stable on his own. My other carrier in the shoot was an original collection Ergo in Galaxy Grey, which is my go to, all purpose carrier. I could not function without that.

What do you love most about babywearing?
What I love most about baby wearing is the practical aspect, really. I can nurse him, put him to sleep, interact with him.. pretty much whatever I need to do while I am wearing him and I am still able to carry on with my own thing whether it is chores, walks, shopping, the park, etc.. So basically my favourite thing is that I am not limited to what I can do or where I can go while I have my baby, because with babywearing they can go anywhere you can and stay nice, close and content all cozy up next to you. It gives me freedom which letting me stay connected with him.

Kimberly can be found on Instagram at @shuttermama
You can find out more about the JumpSacBaby brand at


  1. I had a great time, thanks for including us in your project!

  2. Great post! Kimberly looks fantastic - love your wrap! Maybe the HubBub and I need to do some K-town exploring. Love the shots at the RMC.

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