Monday, 14 April 2014

Sakura Bloom Linen Ring Sling Review: An Update!

It's been over ten months since our Sakura Bloom purchase, and Emmy has grown just a liiiittle bit (like, you know, 15 pounds) since then! I figured it may be about time to update my review on our ring sling. While my first Sakura Bloom review is still completely true, it was written just days after our first purchase. Now that we've moved into toddlerwearing, I feel like I have so much more experience about what works and what doesn't, especially if you're looking for a carrier that you'll continue reaching for time and time again. 

(Pssst! Did you know that Sakura Bloom has changed the kind of fabric they use now?? Check out my review on their new Classic slings here!)

If you've read my first Sakura Bloom review, then you know I loved my sling right off the bat. The color, the lightweight breathable linen, along with the fabric you can pull over your entire shoulder all add up to an amazing baby carrier that's simple to use and so easy to carry around. No buckles, no extra large bag to carry around, just a simple fabric carrier that you can bring with you any and everywhere. 

Like to eat ice cream. 

Or visit the beach.

Or the aquarium. 

Okay, you get it, we use our sling for everywhere and everything. There have been so many times where I've been out and thought, "Wow, I can't imagine not having our sling!" Like the time that the restaurant we went to ran out of high chairs, or.. well, anytime in any store now that she's walking, really. I talk with a lot of expecting and new mama's, and my number one registry suggestion is always a sling. Sometimes it's the only way to soothe a teething beast, and even looking back to those ever so lovable "witching hours" that new babies seem to have, our sling has been a total lifesaver. While we have tons of different carriers and have tried even more than we own, the number one thing I love about our sling is the convenience. Not only is it the easiest carrier for me to nurse Emmy in, but it's just simple to use.  Even now at 14 months,using our ring sling is sometimes the only way I can squeeze lunch into my day. 

 Our sling is definitely still a huge statement piece. I love the color of it, and it's always nice to have something pretty to throw on when I feel like just wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Even after washing it and hanging it to dry, I expected that the color would change, but it's still as bright as can be. The sling itself has changed with use, though. It's so much softer that when it came out of the box! I always say it has a soft, buttery feeling. You can even tell the difference when running the fabric through the rings -- it gets easier as time goes on. Even though I had my Maya ring sling for a few months before buying our Sakura Bloom, I still felt like the fabric was much thicker and tougher to adjust. 

 And in the heat? We visited Florida pretty recently, and even in the 85 degree weather we were still so comfortable. 

 Even daddy gets in on the babywearing action. I don't think anything can prove a ring sling is easier to use than when daddy picks it up and puts it on. Sometimes he comes to me with one of our soft structured carriers half buckled around him and asks for help, but there's been many times where I've come home and he's wearing Emmy in a sling and cleaning house or cooking dinner (I have a keeper!).

 We love our sling so much that we got one in another color.. or two! Canyon is a gorgeous red that made me feel all sorts of peppy through our long dreary winter. And our newest purchase is one of Sakura Bloom's Essential Silk slings in sandstone/pebble. 

So now that she's bigger, and heavier, the time comes to address how I feel about toddler wearing. Our linen slings are definitely holding up to the 35 pound weight limit Sakura Bloom has on their website as we are still using them constantly. No slipping (which is so important!) and as supportive as ever. Of course carrying something that weighs 25 pounds on one shoulder for a long period of time can start to hurt.. Which is just another reason I love the unpadded shoulder fabric that spreads out and distributes the weight. It's a winner through and through.

As it is the lightest sling they have, I wanted to try something heavier and even more supportive which is why we purchased the silk sling. And while I have all sorts of things to say on that, I'll leave the silk sling for another review..! But when it comes to the linen vs. the silk, I think the silk is a worthwhile investment if you plan on babywearing into toddlerhood. If you're not up for the investment and plan on using your sling for shorter periods of times with a toddler over 20 pounds then a single layer linen will still do the trick. I mean..

Look at this happy little thing!

We still consistently wear her for long periods of time in the single layer sling. There's even a photo of me doing a back carry with our sling while cleaning our floors on Instagram! While I haven't personally owned a double layer linen Sakura Bloom sling, I have given it a try and it is very supportive as well. It's not as lightweight or portable as the single layer and it's also very hard to break in -- but definitely worth it. 

So there's an update for you on how our Sakura Bloom slings are holding up. Still in amazing condition with use every other day, still supportive our ever growing girl, and still make us both as happy as can be!

You can check out all of the Sakura Bloom slings at

Since my post here, Sakura Bloom has changed from using Irish linen to a stronger Belgian linen! You can check out what I think about the change on my review of their new slings by clicking here.


  1. Thank you for this review! So timely! Our first is due Saturday. I've been doing a lot of research on slings and ordered the silk from Amazon (so that I could return easily if necessary). It seemed like the silk was the better over the long haul choice. But, it's pretty stiff right out of the box and also quite thick. It seems like it might get a bit hot and not be as easy to use with a newborn. I want to have one so that we can start wearing right away and have a good chance for success. Which would you choose to have from the beginning?

    1. Hi Dea! Congrats on the impending new arrival!! The silk Sakura Bloom slings definitely are thick and take a lot of breaking in. What I found helps is twisting the sling up into a ball (sometimes over and over again, I'll usually just play with it when watching a show!) and also putting it under a pillow at night, but there are tons of different ways to get it broken in. It'll be buttery before you know it ;) You can definitely start wearing with the silk right away though, especially if you do some breaking in for the next few days. Emmy was born in the middle of winter so I would have loved to have had a silk sling, but as we recently just got ours I haven't tested it out in the warm weather yet... it just snowed yesterday, ugh! Because I'm just starting to toddler wear with our silk sling, I can't say which I would rather have in the beginning. But from this stage on, I will definitely be wearing the silk more and more, especially if I'm wearing Emmy for longer periods of time!

      Sorry for the paragraph of text, ha, but I think you should stick with the silk because you'll definitely get the longer use of it, but a linen sling is definitely a need in the warm weather -- maybe keep an eye out for another Sakura Bloom sample sale!

  2. Loved your review. I am trying to decide between the single layer linen and the double. I am in love with the essential maple/raven but am wondering if it will be too hot for Miami? I have an 11 week old boy and want something easy, cool and portable. I am currently using a baby k'tan, but he's not so in love with it, and I often feel like he is not as supported as I would like. I tried out the single layer pure linen in the store and found it to be very comfortable. Is there a huge difference between the pure and the essential? I really want the essential for aesthetic reasons but don't want to make a wrong purchase as far as comfort. Thanks!

    1. Hey there! If you have the chance to try on as essential SB before purchasing then I would give that a shot. As I've mentioned in my blog posts, I'm not a buy online type of person because I really have to know what I'm buying beforehand. The essential is definitely a lot thicker than the single layer, but in the long run it will last you a longer time as you wear into toddler years! The biggest difference between the single layer and the double is support. As Sakura Bloom says on their website when it comes to single vs double, "Our linens are not only cool, but breathe extremely well and also wick moisture away from the body" which is definitely true. I don't think you'd be unhappy with either choice honestly, and even though the single may be a little lighter fabric wise I don't think it would make that much of a difference, even in Miami!

    2. Thank you so much! I love the idea of the portability of the single and the support of the double. Hmmm...decisions...


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